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Book Blogger & Bibliophile

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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Jim Dale, J.K. Rowling
A Great and Terrible Beauty
Libba Bray
The Truth About You and Me
Amanda Grace, Mandy Hubbard
Demonglass  - Rachel Hawkins *May contain spoilers for Hex Hall*Demonglass begins at Hex Hall several months after the craziness that happened with Elodie, Alice and Sophie. Sophie is just starting to feel better with Elodie’s and Alice’s death, Archer’s disappearance and she has also decided to undergo the removal. Her father, James(the head of Council) shows up and strikes a deal with Sophie: He will grant her the removal but first she has to spend the summer with him in England. Sophie agrees under her own condition, that Jenna goes with her. Her father also advises that Cal will be joining them as well. When Sophie, Jenna and Cal arrive in England they realize they are staying at Thorne Abbey; the house that Alice was turned into a demon many years before. Also… there are two more demons staying there with her. Strange things start to happen around her and Sophie and her friends are in a ton of danger.Wow. Just wow. I hardly ever like the second book better than the first book in the series but that SO happened with Demonglass. It was far more action packed than Hex Hall and I liked the amount of new characters that were introduced.I fell in love with Sophie, Jenna, and Cal all over again as soon as I started reading Demonglass. Jenna is by far my favorite character. I love how she is the total opposite of a stereotypical vampire. Sophie’s snark had me again as well, I just love the snappy remarks she has for everyone. And Cal… well I love Cal! I am one hundred percent Team Cal in this series. We are also introduced to Nick, Daisy, Lara and a ton of other new characters. Nick and Daisy are demons as well, and despite them trying to be dark and scary I adored them! I thought they were really interesting and I knew they were going to play a huge part in the upcoming story. And Lara. From the get go I was sooo suspicious of her. I am naturally suspicious of incredibly sweet, kind characters. It happens too often that they are hiding something.There were two things that bothered me during Demonglass. It didn’t affect my rating or feelings of the book because it was just SO awesome that these two minor “nuisances” are minimal but nevertheless I noticed them soo… Why is the word angst used so much?! Ah.. I hated that. I actually enjoy the word angst and it can sum up those feelings pretty well but it is used over and over in this series and honestly it just lost its meaning for me. The second thing was the “love triangle”. I actually enjoy a nice love triangle but I found this fell flat. The only romance that ever took place for Sophie, really, was with Archer. Cal wasn’t really focused on in a romantic way and that made me sad. I adored Cal and I want him, NOT Archer I loved that Demonglass took place in England, away from Hex Hall. I loved the setting of Hex Hall but it was a really nice change of pace for it to take place in a scary ancient castle. The descriptions were so vivid, you can really paint a picture in your head what Thorne Abbey looked like. There was also sooo much action. I was on the edge of my seat so many times, and there was a twist every couple of chapters.The ending was .. intense. As soon as I finished it, I had to immediately pick up Spell Bound! There is such a cliffhanger it will leave you dying for the next book!If you haven’t read Demonglass yet, what are you waiting for? It’s amazing; my only recommendation would be to have Spell Bound on hand as well.

If You Find Me

If You Find Me - Emily Murdoch Woah. If You Find Me took me by a storm. It’s been a long time where I open up a book and get lost in it, absolutely forget where I am and just read… until it’s done. If You Find me did that to me; I could not stop reading!I adored Carey and her younger sister Jenessa. Carey was so guarded but so loving. The way she protected Jenessa just warmed by heart. Jenessa was such a sweet girl, also guarded but innocent and angelic. I immediately fell in love with these two sisters from page one. I actually really felt for all of the characters, the girl’s father, Melissa, Pixie; Emily Murdoch did a wonderful job creating these characters who have you from the beginning.If You Find Me was heart wrenching. It was so sad what these two girls went through living in the woods. Physical abuse, sexual abuse, hunger… it was horrific. My heart ached repeatedly whenever Carey would remember bits about her past life and then it would squeal with joy at the wonderful, new experiences she was having on the farm.My favorite part was the fact it had a happy ending. I expected something disastrous to happen and these two little girls would be left devastated but that did not happen. The journey to get there was hard and emotional but it really is a story with a happy ending and I was so relieved to see that. I also really enjoyed the glimpses into the past, from before Carey was taken into the woods and also during. It really pulled the story together in present day and added another emotional level to her story.If You Find Me was a great debut novel. Emily Murdoch created a beautiful story of family and love which immediately sucks you in. You feel for these girls, you ache for them, laugh with them and it’s absolutely wonderful when a book can make you do that.
Dark Places - Gillian Flynn I read Dark Places the last out of all three of Gillian Flynn’s books… and I guess it’s true what they say, save the best for last. I enjoyed all of her novels but Dark Places by far, blew my mind.Libby Day, much like all of Flynn’s female characters is crafted to be unlikable. She is hateful, depressed, cranky and snarky. I LOVED her. I’ve realized as of late, I absolutely adore unlikable characters.. those bitches that you just can’t STAND… the ones that would be your worst enemy in real life. Libby has all of the reason in the world to be hateful though… her entire family(with the exception of her older brother) was murdered, basically in front of her eyes. Her brother is currently in jail for the murders, her trust fund is dwindling and now an obsessed crime follower wants her to dig up her past that she has so carefully hidden away. Libby was the only character I felt any sense of attachment to though. As much as Ben was featured in the novel, and of course the focus is on trying to “free Ben!” as the Kill Club wants to, I just didn’t really care about him. I felt sorry for him quite a bit during flashbacks but at the same time I wanted to punch him sometimes for his idiotic decisions.Of course, OF COURSE, there were about a dozen plot twists that just leave you either starting at the page like, “what??” or wanting to throw the entire book out a window. Just when I thought I had it ALL figured out then something else would happen. Oh… and the descriptions of the book are disgusting. I have a stomach like a dog… I can basically swallow anything but at parts I just wanted to throw up. I honestly didn’t eat meat for the several days I read this… I just kept picturing Debbie’s doughy little leg hacked up. See… gross. And I’m not saying that in a negative way… the fact that Dark Places sickened me but I still had to keep reading that, that attests to Flynn’s writing. And to be honest there is nothing I can say negative about this book. Also I love the different points of view AND the different time periods. It really helped to string the entire story together piece by piece.The writing, of course, was phenomenal. The game changing plot twists kept me steadily reading and the Satan worshipping that took place in this book just carried it to another level. It was weird and strange and I loved every bit of it. If you loved any of Gillian Flynn’s book you will adore Dark Places. It’s the perfect mix of thriller, mystery and a little bit of lunacy.
Entanglement - Dan Rix Entanglement is a really interesting, somewhat scientific take on a dystopian world. Everyone has a “half” that is born at the same time as them, who they are introduced to on their eighteenth birthday. The two halves are attached by clairvoyance which is located at the base of their skull and it links the two souls together, syncing them together as a whole; also known as Quantum Entanglement. Aaron meets Amber shortly before his birthday. Amber has already been paired with Clive but Aaron feels an instant attraction to her. Then they learn that they are all born on the same day… could Amber be Aaron’s half?I was intrigued from the beginning when Dan Rix contacted me about his book. I love dystopian worlds, and I was eager to see that this was another one about love. I also was intrigued that Entanglement had a bit of a science aspect… I’m a science girl :)I really enjoyed the protagonist, Aaron. He was a truly raw and emotional character. Since he had scar tissue on his channel, he was uncertain that he would even be paired properly with his half. This kept a layer of mystery the entire book, just waiting to see what would happen on his eighteenth birthday. I loved his instant fascination with Amber, the other main character. I did like Amber but her fluctuations in behaviour and moodiness did grate on me a bit. I also hated Clive… absolutely despised him.Normally I’m not a big fan of insta love but as the entire point of the book was that you are essentially attached to another person I loved that Aaron immediately felt an attraction to Amber. It was really interesting though because you had no idea how the ending was going to be. Was Amber his half? Was someone else his half? Who was he paired with? I had a ton of questions as I read. There are a lot of twists and turns involving the pairing and it will keep you on the edge of your seat!Dan Rix’s writing is incredibly easy to read. I could not put the book down once I started, the concept seems like it something you have heard before but it’s so much more than that! I also found it interesting because this world is not unlike the current one we are in. It’s basically the same except you have a “half” from birth! I really enjoyed that part because often dystopian worlds have so many new details, new concepts that it’s hard to keep track!The ending was excellent. The climax had me spinning… I was actually anxious as I read, I had no idea what was going to happen! And it keeps you thinking even after you’ve finished ;)I absolutely recommend this to anyone who likes dystopian books with a bit of science flair added in! Great read!
Dead as a Doornail (TV Tie-In): A Sookie Stackhouse Novel - Charlaine Harris I was really looking forward to continuing this series. When I initially started reading the “True Blood” books I thought I would dislike them… I really just started the series to say I tried it! It is so not the case, I am totally in love with Sookie, and all the fabulous shape shifters and vampires.Dead as a Doornail starts off with finding out that Jason is a shapeshifter. I wasn’t surprised, I knew that was going to happen after he was mangled by the shifter in the last book. I found this to be an interesting turn in the series because now someone in Sookie’s own family is a paranormal. We are also introduced to a few new characters, much like every other book.I really, really like Sookie. Every book I like her a little more than the last one. I enjoy that she is not a perfect main character, she has tons of flaws and is not scared to admit them. Alcide was back… oh, Alcide. I was actually quite a bit irritated that Sookie was so angry with him. I think Alcide is absolutely perfect… and he is a were, how much better can you get. Eric is also back to his usual self, which made me sad. Obviously ending book four, he has his “pre amnesia” memory back, less the time he spent with Sookie but I really enjoyed Eric last time. I do like him quite a bit regardless, I love his snarky and arrogant attitude but I especially loved how gentle he was with Sookie when he had no recollection of his life I loved that Dead as a Doornail featured another mystery; this one being that shapeshifters were getting shot or killed. I was second guessing everyone and I honestly was shocked when the culprit was revealed! There was also quite a climatic scene at the end of the book and a very interesting character revealed… I cannot wait to see how he is going to come into play in the future books.Once again, I thoroughly enjoyed this installment in Sookie’s fun and dangerous world. Charlaine Harris has such a great writing style, I find it incredibly hard to put down her books once I start them!If you enjoyed the past Sookie Stackhouse books, Dead as a Doornail will not disappoint you. I really recommend this series, and my thoughts hold true for the fifth book as well.
Aurora Sky: Vampire Hunter: Transfusion (Volume 1) - Nikki Jefford As I said above, I was really excited to be part of this tour because I had read Entangled and really enjoyed Nikki Jefford’s writing style. Needless to say Transfusion thrilled me, it was everything I was hoping for and more!The main character, Aurora, was actually not a favorite of mine. I liked her more coming onto the end of the book but for the first part of the story I thought she was really moody and reactive. Ok, granted she just found out she was a vampire hunter but she was still so mean to everyone around her and I didn’t enjoy that a lot. I really enjoyed Noel, although we didn’t see much of her or find out what she really was about until close to the end so I hope she plays a big part in the next novel. I also loved Dante… oh Dante. I loved his humor and I’m hoping that him an Aurora end up together at some point! Surprisingly Transfusion wasn’t totally character driven, mostly plot driven but I still really enjoyed it.The entire vampire concept is entirely unique. It was so refreshing to read a vampire novel like it. The “bad” vampires more reminded me of zombies, the vampire hunters that had vampire blood and then the “good” vampires? Everything was so different from any vampire novel I had read and I really enjoyed that. It actually was probably my favorite part of the novel because I had no idea what new concept was going to pop up next.I found Aurora Sky so incredibly easy to read, I literally sat down and read it in a matter of hours. I could not put it down because I was so intrigued with what was going to happen next. The ending is a cliffhanger, and I am being serious when I say I CANNOT wait for the second installment. I honestly have no idea where this story is going to go now.If you love vampire stories but are interested in reading something new and unique, definitely pick up Transfusion! You will not be disappointed!

The Crimson Hunt (Eldaen Light Chronicles, #1)

The Crimson Hunt (Eldaen Light Chronicles, #1) - Victoria H. Smith The Crimson Hunt was so entirely different from what I expected. It took me on a journey to another world and back, and I was pleasantly surprised!Ariel is a college student, who lives with her best friend, Piper. One day Ariel meets the cold and mysterious Luca who she quickly falls for. Piper warns her away from Luca, says he is bad news. Suddenly Ariel’s world comes crashing down around her and the only one to turn to is Luca, but can she trust him?First off, let me just say I did not connect with Ariel. At all, the entire story. There was absolutely nothing wrong with her but for some reason her personality fell flat for me. With that being said, and this is one of a few times this has happened, I still ended up really liking The Crimson Hunt. Victoria H. Smith has created such a wonderful world and story that I didn’t even care that the main character was boring! Also Luca was off for me as well. He was sexy, mysterious, strong, loving, all of those things you want but I couldn’t connect with him on any level. I did think he was a perfect love interest for Ariel though. My two favorite characters hands down, had to be Piper and Bailey. Ironically those two are compared quite a bit later in the story I’m sad that I didn’t get to experience more of Piper, I really enjoyed her spunk and Bailey was such a sweet little girl, I can’t wait to see more of her in the upcoming books.The first 35% of the book was slow. I found it really hard to keep my attention to it, but once the events at the college started happening I could not put it down.The world building is off to a good start. Due to the fact, it’s not really mentioned until close to the end of the book we didn’t get to learn a lot but I’m interested to see how the world building will play out in the upcoming books.Other than the initial pacing of the book, The Crimson Hunt is a great read. The story is totally unexpected and carried a lot of uniqueness with the new type of paranormal beings(The Hunters) and the world building has major potential to continue.I definitely recommend this to anyone who likes paranormal romance and I will certainly be continuing this series!

Hex Hall (Hex Hall Series #1)

Hex Hall  - Rachel Hawkins Sophie is a half witch; her mother is mortal and her father is a warlock. After Sophie risked exposing her magic time after time her parents send her to “Hex Hall” a boarding school for witches, shapeshifters & faeries. Sophie gets wrapped up in a dangerous situation soon after she gets there: someone is after the Prodigium and trying to kill them. A handsome boy comes into the picture, a vampire and a dark family secret I knew I would like Hex Hall immediately. First of all, it’s a boarding school(given). Second, it’s about witches and third Rachel Hawkins has a great writing style. It’s incredibly easy to read and fun. I was instantly pulled into the story and finished it in one sitting.I really liked Sophie. She was a bit emotional but that was to be expected. She was basically thrown into this school against her will, has hardly been around any other magical creatures and isn’t sure who to trust. My favorite character had to be her roommate, Jenna though. I absolutely adored Jenna! She was the only vampire at the school and an outcast. My heart hurt for several times throughout this book because of the ridicule she was put through. Hex Hall definitely wasn’t a book that was friendly towards vampires! I also really enjoyed Archer. He had a great air of mystery surrounding him AND he was handsome, ohh.. and a warlock One of my favorite parts of Hex Hall was how much was explained about Sophie’s family and heritage. It really added quite a bit to the story and I loved how her great-grandmother came into the story. I also really enjoyed the faeries and shapeshifters. I found Hex Hall really descriptive and I thoroughly enjoyed the setting. I had a clear picture of the surroundings and creatures in my head!Hex Hall was pretty suspenseful. I thought it would be a bit fluffier than it was so I was pleasantly surprised. I was actually unsure who was going about the killings/attacks and I started to get suspicious of everyone. I really loved the ending, it really leaves you wanting to read the next book. I have a feeling that we won’t be seeing the last of Archer and I can’t wait to see more of Jenna!If you love light, paranormal reads I definitely recommend Hex Hall!

Escape Theory

Escape Theory - Margaux Froley Escape Theory. I hate an extremely large love/hate relationship with this book throughout reading it. I did come out liking it and it seems like it may be a series(correct me if I’m wrong, I’m honestly not even sure!) so I will most likely continue reading at least one more of the following books.Escape Theory takes place in a ritzy boarding school in California. Devon, the main character, is a scholarship student and one of the only students that has not come from money and a rich lifestyle. I loved the setting, that’s one thing that I totally enjoyed. The boarding school is set on a hill overlooking a small surfing/tourist town, next to a vineyard. I loved the small town aspect, so different parts of the story took place in the town. Quite a few boarding school books take place solely in the school and they are usually secluded so this was a nice mix up from that type of setting.I absolutely could not connect with the main character. I didn’t like or dislike Devon, I just found her bland and uninteresting so it was very hard for me to connect with her. The character I enjoyed most, ironically was Hutch, the student that dies at the start of the novel. I loved his sweet personality and that he was so focused on being the opposite of what everyone expected him to be. I did really like Raven and Cleo. I immediately took a liking to Raven, she was interesting and went “against the grain” of the typical boarding school student. Granted she was a day student, but she was free spirited and different and I loved that. I didn’t like Cleo straight away. The more she came to Devon’s sessions, the more I started to like her and by the end of the book I adored her. I thought she was witty, unique and her brutal honestly was awesome. One of the main reasons why I didn’t get along fully with Escape Theory was due to the characters, I just didn’t care about a lot of them. They were going through tough situations and some were barely hanging on to reality but I just didn’t care what happened to them.Another thing I loved wholeheartedly was the flashbacks to a night that Devon and Hutch had shared. The first flashback, I thought that was it, that there wouldn’t be another one but throughout the story parts of that night are shown that relate to the current situation/events. I really enjoyed that part, it twisted up the plot a little bit and really made you think. If it wasn’t for those flashbacks I wouldn’t have fallen in love with Hutch as I would have only experienced him from other people talking about him.The plot and pacing was the downside for me. The plot was great, that Hutch didn’t really kill himself but was actually murdered and Devon was trying to piece together the puzzle. The pacing was slow… sooooo slow. At times I actually thought that I would put this down for good. I can’t say I really go into the novel until halfway through. About halfway the mystery does pick up and it’s rather addicting. I was suspicious of so many people in the second half of the novel so I could not put it down.Escape Theory is a really great contemporary mystery. I know a lot of people are going to love this one but for me the pacing was too slow to completely love it. I would still recommend it however because the book really does pick up in the second half. I believe based on the ending that this is going to be a continuation series… if that’s the case I will be giving the second book a try!

Raven (Delirium Series)

Raven (Delirium Series) - I love Raven. I was ecstatic to find out that the next novella was going to be Raven’s story. My love for her increased tenfold when I read Requiem. With that being said, this story… with its so few pages managed to break me, shrivel my heart up until it almost stopped.I’m not sure how Lauren Oliver manages to do this every time: turn me into a sobbing, bawling, ugly cry type of mess. She destroys my emotional stability.I also read this after Requiem which gave me a slightly different perspective than I would have had having read it BUT now I want to go back and re read Requiem for things I might have missed, oh the conundrum!Another point I want to make is that all of the Delirium stories manage to intertwine themselves perfectly. Raven ties into Alex’s short story which was totally unexpected.Just read this if you love the Delirium series. But it might shatter your soul.


Requiem - Ok, so just a forward note on Requiem and the events that occurred. I am obsessed with this series. Like cold sweats type of obsessed, so naturally I had to book the day off to read it, HAHA. I knew there was no actual way I could have made it the entire day at work knowing this book was out so I used an extra vacation day, got up super early and went to the bookstore to pick it up. Cassie was also reading it, and let me tell you… we blew up Twitter. And then had to switch to DM’s because we were spoiler-ing all over the place!Requiem completed Lena’s character development for me. She grew so much as a person from Delirium to Requiem, it was amazing to watch her transformation in the pages. She was so strong, so tough but also still had that softness, the kindness that she did in Delirium. I love her character through and through. Alex made me so sad. So freakin sad. He was so rough, and hard and not at all like the Alex I knew from Delirium. Obviously, I expected that because he was in the Crypts but… it was tough to actually see it play out. I still love him all the same though. Raven was solidified as one of my favorite characters in this series. I absolutely loved her. She was so rough and harsh but with this amazing soft interior that you only caught glimpses of. Her and Tack’s relationship was so special, because it was mostly private – just between them. I was also pleasantly surprised that I loved Hana. After I read the novella, Hana, I absolutely despised her so I expected nothing less for Requiem as well. Not so… I really enjoyed seeing her growth and development as a person after she had the cure. Cassie made such a great point after we had finished reading: that Lauren Oliver has this amazing ability of making ALL of her supporting and even just fly by the moment characters so IMPORTANT. You just cannot help to emotionally latch on to them, you ache for them at every moment. Good or bad. Every single character was developed to perfection.I loved the dual point of view between Hana and Lena. I was actually upset when I initially found out it was dual POV, especially with Hana(as I said above) but I was shocked to discover I loved it. It opened up so much of the story line and obviously as it says in the synopsis, their stories converge, so it’s amazing to see that play out from both characters. Hana’s perspective was very interesting because I expected her to be a lot different after the cure. She still has an underlying of the old Hana and that was very refreshing. I also loved seeing the first hand effects of the cure, as opposed to seeing Lena’s perspective of interacting with cured individuals. It made it so real to experience it along with Hana.There was a certain incident that shook me to the core. It absolutely devastated me, and made me feel like my heart was tangled up in my chest about to stop beating. I want this to be completely spoiler free, so I won’t say what it is however it actually made me like Requiem a bit less than I originally would have. The “incident” as we will call it, is done to proper Lauren Oliver form, in the fact that it was flawlessly done however I disagree with it taking place at all. I feel it didn’t add anything to the story, it more so took a piece away from it. Raven did not have to die. WHYYYYYYYYYY. It did nothing but break me. And Tack... poor fucking Tack. I will never forget that scene. Ever. My heart.The writing was amazing. I almost feel like I don’t even need to comment on that. Lauren Oliver is a beautiful writer, and that hasn’t changed for Requiem. In fact, certain parts of it are so heart wrenching, so poetic that I was practically gasping. I’m not sure what it is with this series but I actually lose my breath at times, the prose is just beautiful. I was shocked, I was fell in love, I cried, I screamed… I ran through every possible emotion.In summary, I loved Requiem. I loved it as a continuation of the series but I didn’t love it entirely as the final book. I wish there was a fourth book. There are things that I would like to know but unfortunately this is the ending. Of my favorite trilogy, of the journey of my favorite characters. It’s over. I expected to be disappointed by Requiem and thankfully I wasn’t. However… because of some unanswered questions and the above said event, it is my least favorite of the three.

Origins: The Fire

Origins: The Fire - Debra Driza I’m not sure if this impacts my thoughts because I read this after Mila 2.0 but Origins: The Fire has me super excited for the second book.In Origins: The Fire, Mila wakes up to her house on fire. She gets outside, and then realizes that her parents are home so she rushes back in to try to wake them up and save their lives. That’s really all I’m going to say as this is a super short novella and any more will basically be the story line.This prequel was fast-paces, action packed and I think that if I had of read this before Mila 2.0 I would have had to rush directly right into the main novel. It really does a great job of setting up one of the main plot points for the first book as Mila has lost her memory from the fire that killed her father. Now… if you read Mila 2.0 you learn some things about Mila and her life, so to read this afterwards really intrigues me. Where is this story going to go?I think this was a great novella. The only reason I gave it 4 stars is due to the shortness. I wish it had a bit more… it really leaves you hanging where it ends off.I 100% recommend this for anyone that wants to read Mila 2.0! Great addition to this series.

Shadowlands (Shadowlands (Hyperion))

Shadowlands - Kate Brian As soon as I read the synopsis of Shadowlands I knew I had to pick it up: contemporary thriller? Count me in! Needless to say I was not disappointed. I absolutely devoured this book, it sucked me right in from page one.Shadowlands jumps into the action immediately, the first chapter is Rory walking home through the woods and her Math teacher, Steven Nell grabs her… and attempts to kill her. Rory somehow manages to get loose and the police immediately get involved. Turns out, her math teacher is an infamous serial killer. The thing is though… no one has ever escaped. Even with the police keeping them prisoner in their own home, Rory’s family cannot escape from him and his death threats so the FBI send them into the Witness Protection Program. They are sent to a vacation island, that’s beautiful and peaceful and it seems like they might have some rest from this nightmare. Not long after they arrive, strange things start to happen… and it seems like Steven Nell might have found them.First off, holy smokes! This was non stop action from the second I opened the book. I was on the edge of my seat countless times. Kate Brian’s writing is amazing. She has a wonderfully fluent and easy to read writing style that I immediately fell in love with. I was completely involved in this book… I could not put it down. I was actually scared at several points!I loved Rory straight away. I loved her fear… you could actually feel it radiating from the pages. I also loved her determination. No matter how many people thought she was “crazy” she continued to trust her own thoughts. I also really started to like Olivia. She was a really honest character and I enjoyed the friendship she was beginning with Rory. The other characters I never really “liked” … I was too busy being suspicious. Oh my… Shadowlands has you so suspicious! Of everyone. I honestly didn’t know who to trust by the end of the story and who was hiding secrets.The ending is… completely unexpected. I honestly don’t know how to describe it any other way, I was astonished come the end of the book. Totally not what I thought.I absolutely recommend Shadowlands. It’s un-putdownable, it’s scary, it will mess with your head. Amazing read… and I am DYING for the next book now!

MILA 2.0

MILA 2.0 - Mila just moved to a new town with her mother after the passing of her father. Mila is devastated at the loss of her father, and it’s actually one of the few things she can remember from her past. Her mother tells her she has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and she will eventually remember, but the sudden death of her father in a fire that Mila was also present in has blocked all of her memories. Mila gets glimpses of past memories but can’t piece anything fluent together. In the new town, Mila meets some new friends, and a sexy new boy in town Hunter. After Mila flies off the back of a truck and damages her elbow she learns she is not human after all. She is an android, and her “mother” was the scientist that created her and stole her from the lab. Suddenly Mila’s life is turned upside down and now she has no choice but to run with her mother… before this government agency catches up to her.Fresh off of Cinder, I was really excited to read this one. I realized I really loved the science fiction that surrounds Androids and was interested to pick up Mila 2.0. I’ve only just started dabbling in science fiction the last few months so I’m still slightly weary, wondering if at some point it’s going to be a bit too intense. Not the case for Mila 2.0. I thoroughly enjoyed this debut novel.Mila was a great main character. I was very happy with her character development throughout the book. At the start of the story, obviously Mila thinks she is a regular human girl and by the end of the story she is coming to terms with being an Android. Her emotions, anger, sadness and rebellion were not lost between this either which thrilled me. Mila went through every possible emotion finding out that she was Android, being angry with her mother, feeling worthless… and I really felt for her the entire time. I also enjoyed Mila’s mother as a character, and grew quite attached to her by the end of the book. I’m unsure about Hunter. I’m extremely suspicious of him, and I was from minute one. I think there is going to be something dramatic that comes out about him in book 2.As much as I loved the characters, and character building in Mila 2.0, the love interest kind of threw me off. It was very much like insta love but I found it felt quite awkward in the story. It’s very much an action filled thriller and when Mila would mention Hunter, it kind of rocked the flow of the book momentarily. As I said above though, I’m sure the second book is going to provide a lot of insight why Hunter is such a main part of the story.The plot for Mila 2.0 was fast paced, and I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. I was actually fearful for Mila’s safety and dying to see how every scene was going to play out. The whole concept of these extremely intelligent Android’s was fascinating to me. It’s also kind of scary… to think, maybe these are already out there? And who would know? Mila certainly didn’t know she wasn’t human! I loved how memories were able to be given to them, as well as emotions, bodily functions, really everything that a human would have. It was absolutely astonishing.I really enjoyed Mila 2.0. I cannot wait for the second book… it really ends on a cliffhanger and I’m so anxious to see what happens with her story.This is Debra Driza’s debut novel and it’s 100% worth the read!

Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles Series #1)

Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles Series #1) - Cinder is a cyborg who lives with her stepmother and two step sisters in New Beijing. She works as a mechanic and all of the money goes to her stepmother. There is a deadly plague ripping through New Beijing and when her youngest stepsister contracts it, her stepmother sends Cinder off as part of the cyborg research. When she is admitted for the research, interesting and mysterious things are revealed about Cinder… all while she is getting close to the handsome prince, Kai who is trying to keep away the dangerous Lunar queen.Cinder was an amazing protagonist. I absolutely loved everything about her. She was strong, determined and extremely interesting. There was always a mysterious element to Cinder throughout the novel so every chapter I was awaiting what her secrets would be. I also adored Kai, oh he was sweet. Obviously this was a Cinderella retelling so I expected the Prince to be charming and sweet, just like the original, however I didn’t anticipating liking Kai as much as I did. I also adored Peony, Cinder’s stepsister. I loved how this was a new twist to Cinderella. In the original as we all know, the two step sisters are evil however Peony and Cinder were very close. I really enjoyed that aspect and how her other stepsister was still evil. And Queen Levana… oh lord, I hated her. Every time she was in a scene, I was gritting my teeth… I could not stand her. I knew she was the main hated character going into the story, but gosh, I really didn’t expect to detest her as much as I did.The world-building in Cinder was exceptional. I loved the interesting futuristic element. I could easily imagine this future earth, which I enjoyed because often science fiction is so unbelievable to me that I have a hard time focusing or understand some of the concepts brought into the story. The fact that there is life outside of Earth, the interesting powers of the Lunars and the feud between the two made for a very exciting story.The writing was phenomenal. I was absolutely enchanted by this entire story and I found it really hard to stop reading after 3 chapters. There were so many mini cliffhangers at every end. Cinder was actually my first retelling and it was just a pleasant surprise. The fact that Cinder was a cyborg made the story entirely unique to anything I’ve read. It was wonderfully executed and I think that this is the type of story that will appeal to everyone.I think I was only about halfway in when I already committed to reading Scarlet. Marissa Meyer has just completely sucked me into this serious, I can’t stop raving about this book. I was terrified because of the hype that I wouldn’t see what the fuss was about, but clearly, no worry was needed. I absolutely loved every little thing about this book and I don’t have a single negative thing to say about it… I cannot wait to start Scarlet :)
Losing It  - Cora Carmack So I’m not even going to bother summarizing Losing It… the synopsis is so dead on that I’d basically be saying the same thing.Bliss was so freakin hilarious. I loved her character through and through. She was so unique for a main character. She was insecure about the fact that she was a virgin but she was also a very strong person. Her insecurities basically ended at the virginity. She knew what she wanted to, and stuck to it. And she was funny. Just so funny. Half the time she was a rambling, blubbering mess which was so realistic. Her entire character and persona was entirely realistic, that’s probably why I enjoyed her so much. As for Garrick… he was a great main character but I was disappointed that I didn’t like him as much as other love interests. I don’t even have a specific reason for not falling in love with him along with Bliss.. he was perfect: sweet, kind, handsome, a sexy accent… the full package. Now while I didn’t fall head over heals with him, I did love him for Bliss.I really enjoyed the plot of Losing It. I loved the idea that a 22-year-old still had their virginity and her “journey” of getting ready to lose it. Also… wow the sexual tension in this book is enough to drive YOU wild as a reader. It’s written all over the pages, at times I just wanted to scream for Bliss to give in to Garrick!Losing it was extremely easy to read, however at times it was slow going. It did pick up again though and I ended up adoring the ending. One aspect I didn’t like though was the “love triangle”. It felt like it was thrown into the story line; it did not add or really take away from any of the plot so I just did not enjoy it. I don’t mind a love triangle when it’s done correctly but this one provided no tension for me what so ever, it didn’t keep you on the edge of your seat waiting for Bliss to choose.Losing it was a fun, easy to read new adult novel. It was light-hearted, funny, sexy and a great addition to my contemporary romance collection. I absolutely recommend it to anyone that enjoys contemporary romance.