I was really excited to start reading Sisters in Sanity; I felt like I was the only person on the planet who hadn’t read any of Gayle Forman’s books so I couldn’t wait to dive into this one and see what I was missing out on.I had a really hard time connecting with the main characters of Sisters in Sanity: Brit, V, Bebe, Martha and Cassie. They weren’t bad characters, I just had a hard time connecting with them on any level. I found this is something I’ve been struggling with occasionally with some YA contemporaries. Often the problems that they are facing are ones that I haven’t had to experience in so long that it’s often hard to put myself in their shoes. Obviously that’s no fault of the author, or her writing, It’s just something I wanted to put out there. That being said I did LIKE the characters very much. I found Brit’s struggle to deal with her mothers abandonment very saddening. I felt like my heart was being squeezed a bit every time she spoke about her mother, or her and her parents “old” life. Out of the friends Brit made at Red Rock, my most favorite was probably Bebe. I really enjoyed her spunky attitude and her sarcastic humor always made you smile.The story itself angered me honestly. I hated Red Rock and I hated the counsellors and head figures. They were awful and I thought it was horrendous that any parent would think their child needed to go to such a horrific place. The physical labor parts were the worst and the brainwashing and torment of the girls was ghastly. I was so pissed at Brit’s Dad the entire novel because he thought that his daughter really needed to be in a place like that.I loved the little romance between Brit and Jed. It was sweet and wholesome and the perfect addition to the story. It really lightened up the plot and I couldn’t wait to see what happened between them.I enjoyed reading Sisters in Sanity and I would recommend it to anyone who likes a quick contemporary read. Gayle Forman’s writing is wonderful, easy to read and I can definitely see why everyone loves her so much. While it wasn’t as wonderful as I expected it, I did very much enjoy the story and I will absolutely be picking up her other novels in the future.