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Lose Time Reading

Book Blogger & Bibliophile

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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
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Crossing the Line (Pushing the Limits, #1.5)

Crossing the Line (Pushing the Limits, #1.5) - Katie McGarry Well it’s no secret that Pushing the Limits was one of my favorite reads of 2012 so you can only imagine how beyond ecstatic I was to learn that Pushing the Limits would be having a companion novel and a novella!! I really enjoyed Lily in PTL as Echo’s best friend, but unfortunately we didn’t get to learn a lot about her as the novel was mainly focused on Noah and Echo.I loved Lily. I really thought that we got a wonderful sense of her character and what she was like even though Crossing the Line was such a short novella. I loved her fear, her anxiety and most of all her love for Lincoln. I thought Noah was a great character and perfect love interest for Lily. I’m not sure how Katie McGarry is able to make you fall in love with two characters in less than 100 pages! I adored both main characters and I was left wanting more at the end.The story was a wonderfully crafted romance. I really enjoyed how Lily and Lincoln got to know each other through letters, not in person. That added a different depth to their relationship and I was just waiting to see their romance play out. We also got a realistic glimpse into what Lincoln’s home life was and I think that pulled his story together. If we had of just heard is explanation from him it might not have felt so real.Crossing the Line was a great addition to Pushing the Limits. It was enjoyable to see more of Lily and to meet a whole new sexy boy! I wish there was more to Lily’s story! Highly recommend this to anyone that loves Pushing the Limits!!