I let Clockwork Angel go far too long sitting on my shelf unread… and it’s such a shame: this was, by FAR, much better than The Mortal Instruments(and I love that series!) and The Infernal Devices is definitely on its way to being one of my favorite series!I’m sure frequent readers of my blog are aware that I do not read historical fiction. There are only select books that I will read that fall into that genre and I think that’s one of the things that held me back for so long. I knew it was set in the 1800′s and just the thought of trying to force myself through another story that is set in that era just made me cringe. Needless to say I didn’t have to worry. Clockwork Angel didn’t even feel like a historical fiction novel; Cassandra Clare did a wonderful job of making you feel like you in fact were living this book, at no point did I cringe or think, BORING! It was amazingly written and an absolutely shock that I adored it as much as I did!Tessa has just arrived in London after her aunt’s death to live with her brother, Nate and begin a life in a new country far from home. Upon arriving in London Tessa is met by the Dark Sisters who tell her they are Nate’s landlady’s and are there to take her to him. Tessa soon realizes that was not the plan at all. She is now being held hostage in a creepy home and forced to “change” into other people. Tessa is terrified, she has never heard of this other world and is being expected to be given to the Magister when she is done learning to change. Just when she is going to be prepped for the Magister, Will Herondale burst in, rescued her and took her back to the Institute. Here Tessa learns all about the world of Shadowhunters and Downworlders and is thrust into a life she doesn’t fully want to be part of.OMG! Let me start off by saying I LOVE THESE CHARACTERS! I don’t even know who to begin with first. Tessa was amazing to me. I loved her will, spite, determination, love… I loved everything about her. She had such a spirit for a women in those times as they are expected to be ladylike, prim and proper and while Tessa certainly was ladylike she had her own thoughts on how to live which might not have matched up with societies. I actually enjoyed all of the ladies in this book(except for the Dark Sisters obviously), they were really tough and willful and I love a well-rounded, strong female character. William Herondale rocks my socks. There I said it: he is FABULOUS! He was so dark, mysterious, broody… ah the best kind of book man. I also loved Jem… and Henry… and Thomas… I could go on for ever about these characters. Honestly just trust in the fact the character building was amazing. I felt like I personally knew all of these characters and just wanted to be a part of their lives.As far as the world goes, I thought it was great. I can’t comment so much on the world building however because I had read The Mortal Instruments so I was already fully aware of Shadowhunters. From my perspective however, I felt like it was explained quite well and I think the fact that Tessa was new into this society also helped. As Tessa learned so did the reader.I thought Clockwork Angel was incredibly fast paced and instantly sucked you in. At no point did the action run dry and I was left gripping my seat at the end. I immediately dove into Clockwork Prince. I enjoyed the story and I actually didn’t find it predictable which felt wonderful. I often see where the story is going but I didn’t until just a few chapters shy of the ending. There are lots of interesting paranormals introduced, vampires, warlocks and of course we also get to see the great Magnus Bane. I loved seeing the Shadowhunter world from this era and I really enjoyed getting a glimpse into the London institute.If I hadn’t made it clear already: I LOVED CLOCKWORK ANGEL!! I highly recommend this to anyone. And I mean anyone… even if you haven’t ventured into the paranormal world, give this one a whirl… I think you will be pleasantly surprised