Hysteria was high up on my reading list well before it came out so when I first got my library card it was one of the first books I requested, and then patiently(um, not) waited for my hold to come through. I had heard mixed things about Hysteria but that didn’t stop me, I love a good mystery thriller so I decided to still give it a shot.Mallory, the main character, killed her boyfriend. She cannot remember the details but it apparently was self defense so she is not charged. She is struggling being in her town because his friends, his mother, and even her own parents act weird around her. Her parents decide to send her to an elite boarding school, the same one her father went to when he was her age, and she immediately hates it. Strange things start to happen around her and her secret gets let out about what happened back at home.The character’s in Hysteria were really hard to get attached to. The main character Mallory, was fine in terms of her traits but I didn’t form any specific attachment with her throughout the story. Every situation she was in, I felt bad for her, or scared for her, but I didn’t exactly care about the outcome either way. Reid, her childhood friend and love interest, was interesting. I enjoyed him and thought he was sweet and cute, and definitely a good match up for Mallory but I didn’t swoon over him like I do in most books. I did enjoy seeing the back and forth between Mallory and Reid however. Colleen, Mallory’s best friend, was my favorite character. I thought she was witty and I loved how loyal she was to Mallory, despite everyone’s reservations.The mystery aspect was fun, although predictable. I basically knew what was going to happen before it happened, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing in Hysteria. I still found the pacing quick, and the plot interesting. I think the scene played a large part in keeping the plot interesting as the boarding school Mallory was attending was quite creepy, with the deep forest and large amounts of fog.I liked Hysteria, but I didn’t love it. It was enjoyable and incredibly easy to read. This was my first Megan Miranda book but I really enjoyed her writing style so I will definitely be picking up her other books. If you like mysteries, thrillers and fast paced contemporaries I recommend you pick up Hysteria. Although the ending might not surprise you, it’s an enjoyable journey to get there.