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Lose Time Reading

Book Blogger & Bibliophile

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Barbie World (Baby Doll, #2) - Heidi Acosta I was ecstatic to participate in this tour. I absolutely ADORED Barbie Girl and I could not wait to find out what happened with Barbie(and Dylan!!), and I was not disappointed.Barbie World continues shortly after Barbie & Everett have started living with the Knights. Barbie and Dylan are NOT together(boo!) and Barbie has been placed into counselling to try to cope with the issues in her life.I adored Barbie in the first book, and I enjoyed her very much in the second book as well. She’s such a free spirit and incredibly independent. I love how nobody can tell her how to live her life, or what she should do. Dylan was perfect as always. Third was my same, fabulous, silly Third as the first book. I also loved Roxie even more than in Barbie Girl. Actually… I adored all of the characters :P Everett is so incredibly sweet and my heart breaks for the horrible young life he endured being placed with the Knights.Obviously I want this to remain spoiler free so I will try to be as elusive as possible. Barbie World was a perfect continuation(and ending) to the wonderful story of Barbie Girl. It was just as heart wrenching in parts as it’s predecessor and my eyes were welling up repeatedly. One of the toughest topics that Barbie had to deal with was her mother abandoning her and it was extremely painful to go through that with Barbie. One of the most important parts of the story as well is Barbie & Dylan. I had a love/hate relationship with this part of the story. I found there was a lot of back and forth in Barbie World and it started to become a bit tiresome. I still loved their relationship and their journey but I wanted to just yell at them to get it over with! The pacing of that part of the story is the only reason it received 4 stars.The ending was FANTASTIC. I will reveal nothing about this, but let me just say it was quite possibly the very best ending ever. ZERO loose ends… everything was perfect and I was completely content with how the story was completed, although it may not be what you are expecting.If you haven’t read Barbie Girl, I highly recommend picking it up… this is a wonderful series and the conclusion absolutely does the first book justice. If you HAVE read Barbie Girl, you need to read Barbie World