When I found out that Colleen Hoover was writing a companion/second novel to Hopeless, I was over the freaking MOON! I absolutely adored Hopeless, Dean Holder, Sky, the story, gosh… I loved it all and I wanted more. And now she was giving it to us! I was even more ecstatic when I found out it was on Netgalley. I rushed to get it, started to read immediately, and then put it down. For 2 weeks…First off, if you haven’t read Hopeless, just go do it. If you love romance and an amazing story then you will love it. It’s the sole reason that Colleen Hoover is now an autobuy author for me. Sky the main character, is amazing and Dean freaking Holder. *Swoon*. Honestly, this guy is like the book boy of my dreams. He is amazing… even with all of his moodiness he is just perfect. I won’t talk about the characters like I normally do in reviews, because well… this is essentially a retelling of Hopeless, but in Holder’s point of view so the characters are the same(with no further development really) as they were in Hopeless. That being said, Losing Hope is told from Holder’s point of view, and it was phenomenal. I was so shocked that I cried as many times basically re reading the same story. Sometimes I’m nervous to read companion novels because I find the characters voice is the same regardless of the point of view switch. It’s not like that at all for Losing Hope; Holder is entirely his own person and voice and I fell in love with him all over again.My absolute favorite part of Losing Hope was the large focus on Les. My heart THROBBED for Les in Hopeless and it honestly almost physically jumped out of my chest in Losing Hope. Her story is so, so sad and to hear Holder talk about his sister will bring you to tears over and over again. I thought that the story would be identical to Hopeless, but in fact you get a brand new version of the same events. Plus, there is more to the story that is revealed at the end… and wow. Just love.The only reason that I didn’t give Losing Hope 5 stars is entirely due to the fact of the sex scenes. I loved them in Hopeless, and from Sky’s point of view they were perfect. From Holder’s point of view, they kind of creeped me out(especially given the circumstances) and it was such a FOCUS. I could have done without them entirely for the second book.Colleen Hoover is an amazing writer. She can bring you to tears, make you laugh and completely wrap you up in her stories and characters. The entire reason I couldn’t pick this up for 2 weeks is due to this very reason. She makes my heart ACHE for these people. I feel like I know them, I’m a part of their story and I just couldn’t bear it. You know there will be at least one thing that will rock you and I was SCARED for it once I seen that a main focus was on Les.To put my gushing aside, I loved Losing Hope, almost as much as Hopeless and it was a great addition to the story. I’m so glad we got to read more about Holder, Sky and Les. I absolutely recommend Losing Hope, especially if you read Hopeless. It’s just beautiful.